What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Series yonkis 2.Peliculas Yonquis 3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? No funcionan esas paginas enlaces borrados. Dont work this sites Urls Deleted and change for otther.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? the last version. la ultima version.3.2.68
Please provide any additional information below. The new Url work is www.seriesyonkis.sx is a one copy with the same URL but this work as this URL going to the server with the videos chek it. Es la misma pagina con los mismo enlaces pero estos funcionan ya que llevan al servidor donde estan subidas los videos compruebelos. UN saludo
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 4, 2014 by Happy RabbitMe tomo nota de la sugerencia, gracias :)
Status: Done