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wxmax - MaxGuiWxMaxComparison.wiki

| Control | Description | wxMax | MaxGUI | |:--------|:------------|:------|:-------| | | | | | | aboutbox | Native/Custom About box. | X | Build your own. | | aui | Advanced UI Framework with custom layout/floating frames. | X | - | | bitmap button | Image button with state support. | X | Button with image. | | bitmap combobox | Combobox supporting images. | X | X | | button | A button. | X | X | | calendar ctrl | A calendar control. | X | - | | checkbox | A Checkbox. | X | X | | check listbox | A checkable listbox. | X | X | | choice | A non-editable combobox. | X | X | | choice book | A tabber using a combobox for page selection. | X | Build your own. | | choice dialog | A custom dialog with a combobox. | X | Build your own. | | collapsible pane | Custom button/collapsible panel. | X | Build your own. | | colourdialog | Colour chooser dialog. | X | X | | colour picker | Control for launching a colour dialog. | X | Build your own. | | combo box | A Combobox. | X | X | | date picker | A date picker. | X | - | | dialog | A standard dialog. | X | X | | dir dialog | A dir selection/RequestDir dialog. | X | X | | file dialog | A file selection dialog. | X | X | | file picker | A file picker. | X | Build your own. | | find replace dialog | A find/replace dialog. | X | Build your own. | | flat notebook | Very customizable tabber, with styles. | X | - | | font dialog | A font selection dialog. | X | X | | font picker | A font picker. | X | Build your own. | | frame | A standard Window. | X | X | | gauge/progress | A progress bar. | X | X | | generic dir | A customizable dir selection dialog. | X | - | | canvas | A canvas. | X | X | | htmlhelp controller | Dialog for displaying html-help (eg. chm etc) | X | - | | htmlwindow | An HTML view. | X | X | | hyperlink | Hyperlink control. | X | Available in MaxGUI.ProxyGadgets | | knob | Twistable knob control. | X | - | | led panel | LED display. | X | - | | listbook | Tabber with listbox page selection. | X | Build your own. | | listbox | A basic 1-column listbox. | X | X | | listctrl | A multi-column listbox. | X | - | | mdi | Parent/child MDI windows. | X | - | | menu | Menus. | X | X | | menubar | Menu bar. | X | X | | message dialog | A Notify dialog. | X | X | | miniframe | A floating toolbar style window. | X | X | | notebook | A standard tabber. | X | X | | number entry dialog | A dialog for number entry. | X | Build your own. | | panel | A standard panel. | X | X | | password entry dialog | A dialog for password entry. | X | Build your own. | | | | | | | page setup dialog | Printing page setup dialog. | X | - | | preview frame | Printing Preview window. | X | - | | print dialog | Printing Dialog. | X | - | | | | | | | progress dialog | A progress dialog. | X | Build your own. | | property sheet dialog | Custom dialog for showing settings. | X | Build your own. | | property grid | An advanced property grid. | X | - | | radio box | A box with radio buttons. | X | - | | radio button | A radio button. | X | X | | sash window | A panel with a draggable sash on any side. | X | - | | scintilla editor | Advanced text editor control with line numbers, folding, colouring. | X | - | | scrollbar | A scrollbar. | X | X | | scrolled window | A scrollable panel. | X | Build your own. | | search ctrl | A control with search button, text box and cancel button. | X | Build your own. | | sheet | A table/spreadsheet/grid control | X | - | | slider | A slider. | X | X | | spin button | Up/Down buttons. | X | X | | spin ctrl | Text field and spin button. | X | Build your own. | | splash screen | Custom splash screen. | X | Build your own. | | splitter window | Draggable splitter bar. | X | - | | static bitmap | A static image control. | X | X | | static box | A static box. | X | X | | static line | A static line. | X | X | | static text | Static text/label. | X | X | | statusbar | Window status bar. | X | X | | std dialog buttons | Native dialog button layout - HIG savvy OK/Cancel/Save etc button layout. | X | - | | symbol picker dialog | Symbol chooser dialog. | X | - | | textctrl | A text field. | X | X | | text entry dialog | A dialog for text entry. | X | Build your own. | | tipprovider | A "tip of the day" dialog. | X | - | | togglebutton | A toggle button. | X | X | | toolbar | Toolbar (horizontal/vertical/anywhere). | X | X | | toolbook | Tabber with toolbar page selection. | X | Build your own. | | treebook | Tabber with treelist page selection. | X | Build your own. | | treectrl | A tree list. | X | X | | vscrolledwindow | A variable row height/virtual scrolling panel. | X | - | | wizard | A configurable wizard dialog. | X | - |