
BlitzMax binding for wxWidgets


wxMax is a BlitzMax language binding for wxWidgets, an easy-to-use API for writing GUI applications on multiple platforms.

There are still some things ToDo.

Getting wxMax

wxMax is available from the Downloads area. You have a choice of either an already pre-compiled bin release, or one you can build yourself.

We also provide a set of wxWidgets pre-compiled static libraries, headers and localization files in the Downloads area for use with wxMax. These are included in the bin release.

<wiki:gadget url="http://www.ohloh.net/projects/16579/widgets/project_users.xml?style=blue" height="100" border="0" />

Using wxMax

My first app - HelloWorld

A minimal app - MinimalApp

A GuideToPorting explains some of the differences between a C++ based app and its BlitzMax equivalent.


Some tutorials are included with the distributions, and also available online here.


See the SetupAndInstallation guide for getting yourself up and running with the module.

The FrequentlyAskedQuestions page might help if you get stuck.

And don't forget, you can also use the BlitzMax forum or the wxMax Group to ask questions, and chat about the module.

Did You Know?

wxMax includes several third-party modules on top of the standard wxWidgets distribution. They are : * wxCTB - Standardized serial I/O * wxFlatNotebook - Customizable notebook widget * wxJSON - JSON parser/writer * wxMidi - PortMidi wrapper * wxPdfDocument - PDF document generator * wxPropGrid - Property grid widget * wxRarInputStream - Rar file input stream * wxScintilla - Scintilla editor widget * wxSheet - Spreadsheet style grid widget * wxSpinCtrlDbl - Spin widget with double support

The wxCTB module included with wxMax also works on OS X. That's right! You can use a standard Serial API on all three platforms :-) As far as we know, this is the only version of wxCTB that supports OS X !

Project Information

BlitzMax wxWidgets binding wrapper Blitz GUI Linux Windows OSX cross-platform Win32 Mac wx