I've got the error: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 4, Size: 4 this happen when I want to get Synset as the following statement: Synset synset=WordNetUtil.wordToSynsets("win",POS.v).get(sn); of course the error because sn is out of bound. but I already know that sn is less than than the sense count of "win", because I got sn from API that interface with wodnet(my API is Rita) that use wordnet 3.0 but even If I used wordnet 2.1 then I will get the same error. is there any hint to overcome this problem, OR can I use (edu.cmu.lti.jawjaw.util.WordNetUtil) to get the sense number of the word from WORDNET. I will be grateful for any reply...
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