
Wordpress Constructor Theme



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  • WMZ: Z454864056905

  • WMR: R258034622442
  • Yandex.Money: 41001362542875

  • Donate progress (you can send your name and URL for promote)

  • http://wp-constructor.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/images/donate.png



Wordpress Constructor Theme, it's many-in-one theme: * six sidebar positions and three layouts (you can create new is easy) * configured colors * configured fonts * configured footer text * widgets ready (many sidebars) * post thumbnails (Wordpress 2.9+) * navigation menu (Wordpress 3.0+)

Plugins support: * Nexgen Gallery slideshow in header * jQuery Lightbox for attached images * WP-PageNavi

  • ConstructorFaq
  • ConstructorFeature
  • ConstructorTemplates
  • ConstructorThemes
  • ConstructorHistory

Build your own unique theme on settings page (/wp-admin/themes.php?page=functions.php).

For Wordpress version 2.7+


  1. Upload constructor to the /wp-content/themes/ directory
  2. Make a folders images and cache writable
  3. Activate the theme through the 'Themes' menu in Wordpress

Using Tile and List Layouts with images

  1. Open settings page of constructor theme /wp-admin/themes.php?page=functions.php
  2. Open tab Layout
  3. Change layout to tile or list
  4. System use post thumbnails
  5. If not exists any image - show constructor/images/noimage.png

Using Slideshow

  1. Default slideshow retrieve images and content by AJAX
  2. Using posts with thumbnails only
  3. Using original image size

Make Theme

  1. Change current theme (upload images, change position, set layout etc).
  2. Go to Save tab, fill all fields and click on save button

Make Images

  1. Open design.psd in Photoshop
  2. Click on slice tool - you can see current slice for example theme
  3. Disable visibility for layers group example
  4. Draw new design (or use some stock images)
  5. Save as new PSD file
  6. Save for Web&Devices - click save
  7. All images now aviable in folder images, default is 12 images

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 160 stars
  • svn-based source control

wordpress theme constructor