
WireKeys, WireChanger and WireNote under GPL

This is well-known windows productivity tools created by me in WiredPlane Labs. After a long time i just decided to put them under GPL. So now this is free fully functional programs with source code, no strings attached.

  • WireKeys: the best (imho :) ) multi-purpose hotkey manager, mush more powerfull and user-friendly than AutoHotkey

  • WireChanger: wallpaper manager with support of creative automatic image filters and "low-cpu" clickable areas like calendar, hand-written notes, etc

  • WireNote: TODO manager and LAN messenger in one pack

Look at descriptions at www.wiredplane.com to get more information. Or just download and give it a try. You can find ready to use installers under Download tab. All tools support Win200/WinXP/Vista/Win7

P.S. If you wish to add any functionality - you are welcome :)

Project Information

WireKeys WireChanger WireNote AutoHotkey