winezeug - issue #226
GTA2 multiplayer needs more files than winetricks directplay provides
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Install GTA2 from http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/ (registration required) 2. winetricks directplay 3. Start GTA2 Manager 4. In Network tab try hosting or joining a game
Optional (to make the actual game run): 5. Set up a virtual desktop 6. In GTA2 Manager and untick "Play Movie" under the Video-tab
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Network play is broken. Can see other games, other player can see my game, but unable to connect (it just hangs for a while and then silently fails, probably timing out).
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? winetricks 20110123 wine 3.1.3 / wine 3.1.2 Kubuntu 10.10 64bit, 2.6.35-25-generic, x86_64
Please provide any additional information below.
Workaround: On a clean /.wine Using direct play DLLs from DirectX 2008 http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/4/c/64c3d3d6-c5da-47eb-9db4-86e45b9f579e/directx_mar2008_redist.exe
Run .exe to extract, then extract dxnt.cab
Copy to system32: dplayx.dll, dpnet.dll, dpnhpast.dll, dpnhupnp.dll, dpvacm.dll, dpvoice.dll, dpvvox.dl, dplaysvr.exe
Register files with regsvr32: wine regsvr32 dplayx.dll wine regsvr32 dpnet.dll wine regsvr32 dpnhpast.dll wine regsvr32 dpnhupnp.dll wine regsvr32 dpvacm.dll wine regsvr32 dpvoice.dll wine regsvr32 dpvvox.dll
Override DLLs: dplay, dplayx, dpnaddr, dpnet, dpnhpast, dpnlobby
Now network play works.
Comments: dplaysvr.exe is needed to be able to host games, without it only joining existing games works.
I have not tested each of the above DLLs, so perhaps not all are needed to make GTA2 run, neither have I tested with DirectX 2009 DLLs.
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 6, 2011 by Happy GiraffeCan you narrow down the DLLs needed? Should be easy to disable them one at a time. If disabling a dll doesn't break the app, it's not needed.
Status: New