winezeug - issue #217
Unable to execute vbscript using wscript, ActiveScriptSite_OnScriptError , wsh57 installed by winetricks20101222 ie6
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. rm -rf ~/.wine 2. winetricks ie6 3. wine wscript test.vbs
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Can not execute test.vbs
The screen outputs : fixme:msvcrt:_setmbcp trail bytes data not available for DBCS codepage 0 - assuming all bytes fixme:msvcrt:_setmbcp trail bytes data not available for DBCS codepage 0 - assuming all bytes err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {6c736db1-bd94-11d0-8a23-00aa00b58e10} not registered err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {6c736db1-bd94-11d0-8a23-00aa00b58e10} could be created for context 0x1 fixme:wscript:ActiveScriptSite_OnScriptError ()
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? wine1.3.9 from Ubuntu ppa. winetricks20101222 Ubuntu 10.10 x86_64
Please provide any additional information below.
Wine cscript test.vbs works well.
On the other hand, if I install wsh57 by winetricks wsh57, both wscript and cscript works.
Here is the test.vbs script : MsgBox("HelloWorld!")
Status: New