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wave-protocol - issue #221

You can't see some gadgets. The window height is stuck at 20 px..

Posted on Feb 14, 2011 by Massive Elephant
  1. Click on puzzle icon to "Add gadget by URL."
  2. Enter http://blah.appspot.com/wave/sudoku/sudoku.xml
  3. Click the Add button.

You should see a sudoku grid but you only see an empty box 20 px high.

Work around for new gadgets: Add a call to gadgets.window.adjustHeight()in the gadget initialize function and anytime you change the viewport sizing (see Paul Lindner's comment in wave-dev "Gadget Hieght" chain).

For existing gadgets: a code change is needed to resize the gadget window.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium