I tried to run some of my robots I made for GWave on Wiab. I discovered several issues and inconsistencies - with the most annoying one being lack of support for the WAVELET_SET_TITLE operation. In GWave after setting a title - one can assume the root blip has content that starts with this title - which doesn't hold in Wiab. If the robot tries to apply some annotation to the title - like making it bigger (DigestBotty and WavyEmail bots do this a lot) - they get out of the range which results in error. Also, the title just gets lost - while it is the most important piece of info in the blip.
The issues can be mitigated by simple implementation of wavelet.setTitle operation - by inserting the title text in the beginning of the root blip and making it bold.
If this suggestion sounds good - I have no problem to submit a patch.
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 11, 2011 by Massive BearThe title model is more complex than just inserting text at the beginning and making it bold. See TitleHelper. Unfortunately the robot API implements a model that doesn't match the native wave model and requires rather complex code to adapt between the two. In the model it's possible for a wave to have a title that does not appear in the content, but the robot API munges that up.
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 19, 2011 by Happy CatClosed by revision 9fcd00ddcb13
Status: Fixed