
Google Wave Federation Protocol

##Project Moving##

This project is currently in the process of moving to the Apache Foundation, as an Incubator project. We are moving the issue tracker this coming week followed shortly by the code base. All activity will soon move to the new project found here:



This project contains a Java implementation of the Google Wave Federation Protocol and a prototype server, web, and console clients.

We're currently working to round out the prototypes for the Wave in a Box effort.


The libraries repository contains the wave model, including the wave operations, operational transform (OT) code, and federation protocol. The OT code is the heart and soul of the collaborative experience in Google Wave and is the production-quality reference implementation. For a quick overview, take the wave model codewalk. It also contains Wave's rich text editor and fast wave panel implementation.

The default repository contains the protoype server and clients. We're in the process of building these out to provide Wave in a Box.

There's an alternative, lightweight Wave client, called Splash, which is built on the Wave Data APIs: http://code.google.com/p/google-wave-splash/

Starting points

Get Involved

If you'd like to get involved with the Wave protocol please take the time learn more at http://www.waveprotocol.org/. Discussions about the project, protocol, and code take place on the wave-dev@incubator.apache.org mailing list (join by sending an email to wave-dev-subscribe@incubator.apache.org), while code reviews and source code commit notifications are posted to the code discussion list. Please subscribe to these groups if you'd like to receive email. Code reviews may be viewed at http://codereview.waveprotocol.org/.

Before diving into the discussion please take a moment to read the Wave Protocol FAQ

When you're ready to contribute some code, read about code reviews and submitting.

Note that the prototype server is not a full XMPP server, it is an external application that implements XEP-0114, the Jabber Component Protocol, which is a standard way for an XMPP server to support extensions. This way you can experiment with the Federation Protocol using your favorite XMPP server, and we don't have to build and maintain an XMPP server in addition to developing Wave.

Project Information

google wave protocol