
A multiplayer mod for the PC version of Bethesda's Fallout 3

Vault-Tec Multiplayer Mod

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Vault-Tec Multiplayer Mod ("vaultmp") is a multiplayer mod for the PC version of Bethesda's award-winning role-playing game Fallout 3. It's currently in development, but is going to support the following:

  • Dedicated server, MasterServer and client including a server browser
  • Syncing of movement, actions / animations and AI
  • In-game GUI overlay for chatting
  • Supporting DLCs as well as Fallout 3 user mods
  • Scripting on the server to define gameplay rules (PAWN)
  • Planned: voice communication, advanced in-game GUI, syncing of quests

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Project Information

CPlusPlus Game Mod Windows Fallout3