
The Open Software, Protocol and Format Documentation Project

Understand, in a Nutshell

The Understand project aims to document a number of file formats/file systems, protocols and methods of integrating software, to provide and coordinate otherwise missing documentation.

New! Understand Next

Understand Next is like Understand, but is now hosted on Google Sites, which should remedy some potential issues surrounding downloads hosting; and limits on "wiki" page content sizes that caused problems when trying to include large volumes of screen dumps in pages...

Just what is this thing, anyway?

  • It's a place where folks can easily find and share "live" examples of file formats, file systems, and network protocols
  • Somewhere to fill in the missing pieces, when it comes to documenting the integration of disparate pieces of software, or knowledge of various bits of data

What isn't Understand?

  • A flying toy (to quote Toy Story)
  • A replacement for every other knowledgebase or publicly available specification on the planet
  • A replacement for the (rather nifty) service at pcapr.net, or the Wireshark Wiki
  • Google or WolframAlpha (seriously ;))

Sounds great, how can I help?

By virtue of being a project on Google Code, commit/modification access is limited to people who have e-mail addresses connected to the project. This also ensures that we don't get wiki/content spam, as a nice side-effect.

If you want commit access, please send an e-mail to tyson DOT key AT gmail DOT com, containing the phrase "Wiki Commit Access" in the Subject. You can also ask in the FreeNode (IRC) channel: #understand.

Project Information

Protocols Documentation SampleCode ReferenceImplementations Assistance Joining