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tweensy - issue #1

shortcuts Request

Posted on Jan 14, 2009 by Happy Horse


I think it would be great to have some "shortcuts" (like in other tween libraries) if it is not already there?

The first I can think about is autoAlpha: set visibility to 0 when alpha reach 0, and the other way around when a tween start to reach another value. "autoAlpha" in TweenMax, "_autoAlpha" in Tweener and "autoHide" in GTween.

To be able to: TweensyZero.to(target, {autoAlpha:1}, 2); TweensyZero.to(target, {autoAlpha:0}, 2);

And the second, I know I can tween a colorMatrixFilter but having a color shortcurt to use a uint would be great. "_color" in Tweener and "tint" in TweenMax.

to be able to TweensyZero.to(target, {color:0xFF0000}, 2);

What do you think?

Romu www.soundstep.com

Comment #1

Posted on Jan 17, 2009 by Quick Rhino

One thing we would like to avoid in Tweensy which I dont like in other tween engines is defining values inside to and from objects which are not properties of the Object to be tweened.

I like the idea of an alpha of 0 setting something to be visible false and likewise when its above to set visibility on again.

There are shortcut methods in the TweensyGroup but not for ColorMatrixFilter or MatrixTransform as yet, we are working on a package called TweensyUltimate to cover this among a lot of other unique features.

This will further segment the product to TweensyZero, TweensyOptimus and TweensyUltimate.

Comment #2

Posted on Jan 17, 2009 by Quick Rhino

The option for autoHide has been added to version 0.3 this will work only on DisplayObjects

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 3, 2009 by Quick Rhino

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Status: Fixed