
Watch TV channels on Linux

TV-MAXE is an application which provides the ability to watch TV stations and listen radio via different streams, such is SopCast. Currently it has a large number of channels, both romanian and international.

Available TV-Channels on TV-MAXE*: * ABC * Acasă * A and E TV * Alfa Omega Movies * Alfa Omega TV * Alfa Omega Youth TV * Animal Planet * Antena 1 * Antena 2 * Antena 3 * AXN * AXN Crime * AXN Sci-Fi * B1 TV * BBC News * BBC World * Biography channel * Boomerang * Cartoon Network * CBS * CNBC * CNN * Comedy Central * Cosmos TV * Dance TV * Digi Sport Plus * Discovery Channel * Discovery Science * Discovery Travel&Living * Discovery World * Discovery ID * Disney Channel * DIVA International * DR1 * ESPN * Eurosport * Eurosport 2 * Film4 * FOX 43 * FOX Sports * France 24 * France 24 (english) * GSP TV * HBO * History Channel * Hit Music TV * Iaşi TV Life * Jurnal TV * Kanal D * KISS TV * Lifetime Movie Network * Musicbox * NatGeo Wild * National Geographic * Naţional TV * Nickelodeon * OTV * Prima TV * ProCinema * Pro TV * Pro TV Internaţional * Publika MD * Realitatea TV * Romstyle TV * Sony Entertainment * * Taraf TV * TBS * TCM * Tele'M Iaşi * TNT * TV 1000 * TVM Piatra Neamţ * TVR 1 * TVR 2 * TvRM Cultural * TvRM Educaţional * USA * UTV * Wgal 8

Also TV-MAXE allows you to listen to the following radio channels*: * BBC Radio 2 * Europa FM * Impact FM * Kiss FM * Magic FM * Naţional FM * PRO FM * Radio Iaşi * Radio Intens * Radio România Actualităţi * Radio România Cultural * Radio Vocea Evangheliei * Radio ZU * Rock FM * Sky FM Dance * Sky FM Top Hits * Vibe FM

* - list may differ from the one in application.

If you got an PBX TV account you can also use it in TV-MAXE.

Please note that TV-MAXE is a voluntary project. Even if it's free, its developening requires time and material sacrifices. Help TV-MAXE's development by making a donation.

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v3
  • 120 stars
  • git-based source control

streaming tv radio