What feature would you like added?
I would like an option for the server to ignore messages sent directly to a channel, or perhaps tentatively accept lines but require a certain trigger after each pending tweet/line, like "!tweet"
I fear one day I will accidentally paste something into IRC that should not be tweeted, perhaps something containing numerous line breaks.
Please provide any additional information below.
As a partial solution, you could send tweets to a reserved target such as &tweet or #tweet.
Regardless, it may still require the user to set command aliases to smoothen the awkwardness (e.g. /alias tweet say $0-;say !tweet or /alias tweet msg &tweet $0-)
As a rejected solution, I obviously rather live with that risk of pasting than having to write a script for my IRC client to ignore input in channels on the tircd network just to send them indirectly.
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 23, 2011 by Massive RhinoFixed in latest updates Now you (by default) need to prefix tweets with !t or !tweet Can be changed by a user-setting
Status: Fixed