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struts2gwtplugin - issue #5

RFE: Wiki update witha a ComplexType

Posted on Oct 8, 2007 by Happy Rhino


I am evaluating the plugin, and I would like to see an example with complex types, like an object with a String and an int as fields. I couldnt' set up one, so that's why im sending this email.

A returned complex type would be nice, but a full example with @gwt.typeArgs annotations and complex types on the arguments would be better.

Keep up the good work & tks

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 8, 2007 by Happy Rhino

It seems that to do proper serialization to a complex type, the class of the complex type must implement IsSerializable, altough the gwt docs state that Serializable should suffice: http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/documentation/com.google.gwt.doc.DeveloperGuide.RemoteProcedureCalls.SerializableTypes.html

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium