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struts2gwtplugin - issue #3

Plug-in v0.2 fails for actions which are "void" or return null

Posted on Jul 17, 2007 by Massive Dog

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Define an action that is of type void 2. Call action using the plug-in

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Should receive a null object, but instead get an error thrown by container.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Error is in lines 141-144 of GWTServlet.java:

    // if we got a respone, package it up for GWT
    if (callResult != null) {
        result = RPC.encodeResponseForSuccess(method, callResult);

We need to encode the null response now with GWT 1.4.10.

I have attached a patch, new build (v0.2.1) is forthcoming.


Comment #1

Posted on Jul 17, 2007 by Massive Dog

This has been fixed in v0.2.1 of the plug-in

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium