struts2gwtplugin - issue #3
Plug-in v0.2 fails for actions which are "void" or return null
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Define an action that is of type void 2. Call action using the plug-in
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Should receive a null object, but instead get an error thrown by container.
Please use labels and text to provide additional information.
Error is in lines 141-144 of GWTServlet.java:
// if we got a respone, package it up for GWT
if (callResult != null) {
result = RPC.encodeResponseForSuccess(method, callResult);
We need to encode the null response now with GWT 1.4.10.
I have attached a patch, new build (v0.2.1) is forthcoming.
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 17, 2007 by Massive DogThis has been fixed in v0.2.1 of the plug-in
Status: Fixed