
Smart Interactive Layout Assistant for Scripture

A Microsoft Word template to provide smarter and safer layout of RTF files exported from Paratext, Adapt It or Fieldworks Translation Editor.

Currently this works only in Windows versions of Word, from Word 97 onwards.

The distribution includes the latest versions of USFM.sty, along with USFM_draft.sty, usfm_sb-notes.sty and usfm_sb-sidebars.sty, and copies them into the Paratext settings folder.

The stylenames in the template conform to the latest version of USFM.sty, and there is an input conversion routine that will update stylenames, from right back to 1998 versions. This routine will even convert from the stylenames output by Fieldworks Translation Editor.

The USFM link points to the official documentation site, where you can view web pages, download all the web pages in a zip archive, or download a PDF file. Our Downloads page contains a Windows executable archive that will install the PDF version of the documentation, along with links to it on the desktop and in the START menu and Quick-Launch area. It is 8MB in size.

Why not just print the RTF file that comes out of my Scripture editing program? See the Wiki page Benefits.

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Project Information

LanguageDevelopment ScripturePublishing ScriptureLayout ScriptureFormatting BibleTranslation