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shellinabox - issue #243

Cannot look up group "shellinabox" at service start

Posted on Oct 26, 2013 by Happy Rhino

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. install shellinabox on Debian 7.2 from repository (apt-get install shellinabox) - works fine 2. after the server reboot, shellinabox was not present - not started automaticaly 3. when tried to run it via "service shellinabox start" the message said: Cannot look up group "shellinabox".

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? correct start of application

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? ShellInABox version 2.10 (revision 239) Debian 7.2 - Linux XXX 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 i686 GNU/Linux

Please provide any additional information below. how to start shellinabox automaticly with system startup? The source privileges.c has function about it.

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 28, 2014 by Helpful Panda

I got this same error right after installing shellinabox rather than on system reboot. I'm not a programmer, so I don't know why this matters (maybe something to do with gr_len in privileges.c), but when I moved the shellinabox group entry to an earlier point in /etc/group (near the top with other system groups), shellinabox starts fine from the command-line or /etc/init.d files.

That said, I haven't tested that it comes up again at reboot (I'm not on a system I can reboot easily). Perhaps someone could try this on a system where they can test rebooting?

Comment #2

Posted on Mar 1, 2014 by Happy Rhino

I found the reason of the error. In my case it was the OS fault (I think), as the group, which SHINBOX belongs to, was after another group, which contains 80 users. So, the problem was, that OS was not able to "access" entry of any group, which followed the "big" users group. I just moved the "big" entry group at the end of /etc/groups, and everything started correctly.

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 13, 2014 by Helpful Panda

That fits my situation as well, but I wouldn't really say this is an OS issue, since groups with > 80 members shouldn't be a problem. I think this points again to how gr_len gets set (mabye it needs a larger default?).

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium