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ruby-geonames - issue #2

Geonames::WebService.find_nearby_postal_codes fails with latitude/longitude

Posted on Jan 19, 2008 by Happy Elephant

Set up a Geonames::WebService.find_nearby_postal_codes to query for latitude/longitude, e.g.

postal_code_sc = Geonames::PostalCodeSearchCriteria.new postal_code_sc.latitude = '47' postal_code_sc.longitude = '9' p Geonames::WebService.find_nearby_postal_codes(postal_code_sc)

This should result in the results as seen on: http://ws.geonames.org/findNearbyPostalCodes?lat=47&lng=9

This is running on geonames 0.2.2

It is caused by the lack of an '=' sign in the to_query_params_string method in the Geonames::PostalCodeSearchCriteria class.

My suggested fix is to use:

        if !@latitude.nil?
            url = url + "&lat=" + CGI::escape( @latitude.to_s )

        if !@longitude.nil?
            url = url + "&lng=" + CGI::escape( @longitude.to_s )

Note the use of ".to_s" which will enable queries on fixnum latitude/longitude as well as strings.

Comment #1

Posted on May 8, 2009 by Massive Bear

I have applied your suggestion to my branch on GitHub:


Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium