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rainmeter - issue #125

If DynamicVariables=1 is added to Measure/Meter, a new definition is not applied by various ACTION.

Posted on Nov 4, 2009 by Quick Rhino

The definition value changed by various ACTION is always compulsorily overridden to defaults definition value by DynamicVariables. As a result, change of the state by various commands is not applied normally.

This is some examples which show this problem notably.

[MeasureCount] Measure=Calc Formula=Counter % 11 IfEqualValue=10 IfEqualAction=!RainmeterDisableMeasure MeasureCount DynamicVariables=1

[MeterCount] Meter=String MeasureName=MeasureCount FontSize=15 SolidColor=FFFFFF

[MeterHide] Meter=String Y=35 FontSize=15 SolidColor=00FF00 Text="click to HIDE!!" LeftMouseDownAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter MeterHide][!RainmeterRedraw] DynamicVariables=1

[MeterMove] Meter=String Y=75 SolidColor=00FFFF FontSize=15 Text="click to MOVE!!" LeftMouseDownAction=!Execute [!RainmeterMoveMeter 30 75 MeterMove][!RainmeterRedraw]


  • [MeasureCount] does not stop at 10 counts and continues working.
  • [MeterHide] appears again, after disappearing.
  • [MeterMove] returns to the first position again.

These are mere few examples. I am not sure but almost all Measure/Meter has this problem. Since DynamicVariables is a function which is expected to spread increasingly from now on, this issue is a issue that should be solved absolutely.

EDIT: Though the cause of this problem was guessed at with same of r108, I reported again as an example of a more familiar and intelligible problem.

Comment #1

Posted on Nov 4, 2009 by Quick Rhino

EDIT: The link above r108 is a wrong and correct is Issue108.

Comment #2

Posted on May 31, 2010 by Helpful Camel

Fixed in r426.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Logic