rainmeter - issue #125
If DynamicVariables=1 is added to Measure/Meter, a new definition is not applied by various ACTION.
The definition value changed by various ACTION is always compulsorily overridden to defaults definition value by DynamicVariables. As a result, change of the state by various commands is not applied normally.
This is some examples which show this problem notably.
[MeasureCount] Measure=Calc Formula=Counter % 11 IfEqualValue=10 IfEqualAction=!RainmeterDisableMeasure MeasureCount DynamicVariables=1
[MeterCount] Meter=String MeasureName=MeasureCount FontSize=15 SolidColor=FFFFFF
[MeterHide] Meter=String Y=35 FontSize=15 SolidColor=00FF00 Text="click to HIDE!!" LeftMouseDownAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter MeterHide][!RainmeterRedraw] DynamicVariables=1
[MeterMove] Meter=String Y=75 SolidColor=00FFFF FontSize=15 Text="click to MOVE!!" LeftMouseDownAction=!Execute [!RainmeterMoveMeter 30 75 MeterMove][!RainmeterRedraw]
- [MeasureCount] does not stop at 10 counts and continues working.
- [MeterHide] appears again, after disappearing.
- [MeterMove] returns to the first position again.
These are mere few examples. I am not sure but almost all Measure/Meter has this problem. Since DynamicVariables is a function which is expected to spread increasingly from now on, this issue is a issue that should be solved absolutely.
EDIT: Though the cause of this problem was guessed at with same of r108, I reported again as an example of a more familiar and intelligible problem.
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 4, 2009 by Quick RhinoEDIT: The link above r108 is a wrong and correct is Issue108.
Comment #2
Posted on May 31, 2010 by Helpful CamelFixed in r426.
Status: Fixed