What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Go to the keyboard on the browser 2.Click shift or caps lock 3.Look where the J should be, it isn't a J
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? See a J, instead see a weird looking symbol
What version of the product are you using? 0.6
Please provide any additional information below. This should be an easy fix, but I noticed the uppercase J is not a J, instead it looks like an upside down t or something. It does this when it is inputted also, not just when you look at it on the keyboard.
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 21, 2008 by Helpful ElephantHeh, it does look odd! :-)
Surprisingly, it is quite tricky to fix "properly", though I could always fudge it...
I've got a script that generates an image of letters from a true type font, plus the font "metrics" (width, height, ranges of characters, etc). Unfortunately, it seems to generate crap like this J and also problems like the one in r852 (Disappearing underscore). I'll have a think about how best to work around this, or maybe I need to pass some magic flags to the library calls...
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 21, 2008 by Happy Elephantuh oh, I guess I said "should be an easy fix" to fast! Again, I know nothing about what it takes to program anything, so I'm sorry about my misjudgement :-O
Comment #3
Posted on Dec 23, 2009 by Helpful ElephantFinally fixed this one too in 0.8. The font generation was changed to the one in the now-defunct Okiwi browser.
Status: Fixed-release