What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Press "START" 2. enter "http://www.google.com/m" in the URL field 3. Hit "OK" and wait for the page to load.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Bunjallo returns with a blank page with the message "Content not viewable".
What version of the product are you using? Bunjalloo 0.5.3
Please provide any additional information below. I am unsure why the Google mobile pages are having problems. Originally I thought it was because they use XHTML Mobile, but then Facebook mobile appears to be unaffected, and they have the same DOCTYPE
Unfortunately I don't have a big list of XHTML Mobile sites so I cannot provide more URLs.
Google Mobile (Problem) - http://www.google.com/m Facebook Mobile (OK) - http://m.facebook.com/
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 21, 2008 by Helpful Elephanthttp://www.google.com/m now returns this content type:
Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wml; charset=UTF-8
And it really is wap.wml rather than html. e.g. it looks like this:
... etc ...
Which bunjalloo doesn't know how to render. I'd have to add XML parsing and a way to render WAP. I'll add it to the TODO list, because adding XML would also make some other features possible (RSS feeds, for example).
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 18, 2008 by Helpful ElephantA good work around for this is http://www.google.com/xhtml, which displays the same information and has the same features. Longer to type, but with bookmarks you only need to do it once :-)
Status: WontFix