Im use the new version 8.0 but a like if you put cookie because a cant loggin in my orkut account. thanks... GOOOOOOOOOOOOD WORK!
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 8, 2010 by Swift MonkeyComment deleted
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 8, 2010 by Swift MonkeyCookies do work, orkut uses non standart way to forward you after it reads the cookie, Try using a better networking site like facebook!
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 8, 2010 by Grumpy Catwhen is the latest version coming out? Iv'e been waiting so long. I think it's because there are going to be many updates. At least that's what i hope to see. :/
Bunjalloo is an amazing browser, and cookie support is there. I got to access my Facebook, Gmail, and got to play simple non-flash browser based games. In the latest version, i hope to find auto cookie support, maybe more tools in the task-bar (hopefully a "homepage" link), and possibly some sort of basic flash that can display moving images (like the Ds-organize web browser).
Then again, you have to take into account that the Ds has limited RAM, and can only process so much. But no matter what, the Bunjalloo is the Browser i want to use. And i can't wait till the latest version!
Keep up the awesome work Mr.Quirk!!! :)
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