1) On a page that scrolls try the following key presses: Up + Right and Down + Left. Visually keeps scrolling the page past the start or end.
2) Text can overflow text/password inputs. If you go on say, m.facebook.com and type "thisistoolong" in either email or password filed, once you press accept it will be either outside or in and outside of the text field.
3) Textareas do not visually (the border) take up the correct height without first going in to them. example: qoal.110mb.com/note.php
4) Oversized select/option list crash bunjallo with a grey screen (colour of the menu) (I was going to report something else to do with them but the above error seems new and replace whatever the old one was... Oh maybe it was overwide ones where the scrollbar, which on a knackered ds phat are hard enough to scroll anyway, go off the right side of the screen.)
Feature requests 5) Option(?) to give all img tags without alt text an alt text string of [IMG] - Kinda usability.
6) Option to auto disconnect from AP when the page has finished downloading (before parsing?) to help save battery life.
Yeah, that's all for now ;) Keep up the good work.
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 23, 2010 by Grumpy CamelOkay I've came across another more important issue:
Form post data isn't encoded correctly, I believe it's currently just sent "as-is" however it should handled like: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13 Currently it leads to rather undesirable results.
Other things I can remember right now: - For some reason ' isn't displayed when viewing a page.
Editing/Inputting a long unbroken string in can often crash the app, I guess it can't find a place to split the string for the new line.
There is still a bit of bug when typing and going on to a new line, the caret can end up in the wrong position.
Buttons don't have the same amount of padding on the right side of text as the left (aka none).
If you tap disconnect while on a page that has a redirect header, it'll crash/lock up.
Issue 1 noted above can also occur when d-pad with stylus.
This might be an issue with the web server, however I doubt it -- pages on forums.winamp.com don't always load fully, probably because php pages aren't always served in one chunk?
I'm sorry about the long list of bugs I've provided you with now. :/
Status: New