White space is ignored after a closing tag.
This can simply be demonstrated by looking at the default start page, if you look at the part that states "Touch 'show copying' for details.", the 'show copying' text is a link and word "for" which follows is directly after the ' ignoring the white space. This issue occurs with all formatting tags as far as I'm aware.
So if a page was formatted like <a href="">Blah</a> Blah it will be shown as BlahBlah in Bunjalloo, rather than Blah Blah.
Using: 0.7.6
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 25, 2009 by Helpful ElephantThis seems to be the case, thanks for pointing it out.
Comment #2
Posted on Oct 31, 2009 by Helpful ElephantThis is fixed in revision 8dafd5bf1c
Status: Fixed