What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Bunjalloo was suppose to take me to my mail, But still gets stuck at redirecting!!
What version of the product are you using? Latest 0.75
Please provide any additional information below.
Richard seriously u have to do something about this plzz! Or help me!
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 9, 2009 by Quick PandaI can confirm that. Neither GMail, nor m.facebook.com
Comment #2
Posted on Jul 9, 2009 by Helpful GiraffeYea every1 is having this problem plzz do something Richard we r counting on you!
Comment #3
Posted on Jul 12, 2009 by Helpful Giraffem.orkut.com not working as well same problem!
Comment #4
Posted on Jul 12, 2009 by Helpful GiraffeWhy r u not replying Richard im waiting!
Comment #5
Posted on Jul 13, 2009 by Helpful ElephantThere's possibly an issue here with multiple Cookie: headers that I spotted recently, but GMail does actually work for me no problem.
It's possibe that GMail sends you to a local, non google.com domain and the cookies aren't getting picked up there. You may have to allow your local google domain, for example I let "google.es" set cookies too. Except there was a bug in the last release that meant you can't change the cookie settings. :-(
Does the program lock up or has it just stopped loading? I mean if you hit "stop" does it eventually become responsive again? And you can then go to some other page. Or has it crashed and needs power on/offing again?
Comment #6
Posted on Jul 19, 2009 by Quick PandaIn my case, I use GMail from Spain and my account it set to be shown using Spanish as the main language. I think it's a possible reason for it to fail.
Comment #7
Posted on Nov 3, 2009 by Quick KangarooHi, just to let you know I discovered a way to access gmail after I was having the same problems (even in 0.7.7). First, (this may not be needed), set the radial in cookie allowance away from www.google.com to google.com. Then, instead of visiting gmail.com, instead go to mail.google.com.
There may be holes in the effectiveness of my methodology, but it was what finally worked for me.
Comment #8
Posted on Nov 3, 2009 by Helpful GiraffeThanks a lot zandro!!!
Status: NeedsInfo