About Bunjalloo
Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It is free software and under active development. Bunjalloo can display simple pages, follow links and view images. * Download the latest release * View the current changelog * View a list of the changes planned for future versions The code can be built for the DS or for Linux using SDL. As the DS version does not run on emulators here are a couple of screen shots from the SDL version:
About Chaos - The Battle of Wizards
Up to 8 wizards compete in a turn-based battle to the death, involving elves, dragons, fire, lightning and the odd Gooey Blob. The last wizard standing is the winner.
Chaos is a tactical combat video game for the Nitendo DS based on the 1985 Spectrum game 'Chaos - The Battle of Wizards'. Originally remade for the Gameboy Advance, this version has been rewritten once more from the ground up.
The latest releases are available from the downloads page.
Alternatively you can browse the source code online. There is a help page with instructions for compiling the source code. Let me know if you successfully compile anything!
Bugs & Features
Feedback is always welcome, so get in touch if you like anything here - or get in touch if you don't and tell me how to improve things (and if patches are provided it is more likely to happen ;-)) my email address is richard.quirk at gmail.com
Feel free to post any bugs you spot or any features you think either Chaos or Bunjalloo should have to the issue tracker.