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quickfast - ErrorMessages.wiki


When QuickFAST encounters an error it calls one of the following methods in the Context in which the error was detected. (A Context is either a Decoder or an Encoder.) * reportWarning * reportError * reportFatal

The default behavior for these methods is to throw an exception containing the error code and message.

  • Error Codes starting with 'D' are defined in the FAST protocol specification.
  • Error Codes starting with 'I' represent limitations in the QuickFAST implementation of the standard.
  • Error codes starting with 'U' are defined by QuickFAST to cover cases not mentioned in the specification.

Definition of Error Codes

|Error code | Typical Message | Notes | |:----------|:----------------|:------| |ERR D2 |Unsigned or Signed Integer Field overflow.|Quite likely due to a template definition error (i.e. uInt32 when it should be uInt64)| |ERR D4 |Previous value type mismatch.| | |ERR D5 |Missing required initial value| | |ERR D6 |Mandatory field is missing.| | |ERR D7 |String delta length exceeds length of previous string.| | |ERR D9 |Unknown template name for static templateref.| | |ERR I1 |Encoding dynamic templates is not supported.| | |ERR U01 |Missing mandatory field.|Mismatch between Application and Template| |ERR U02 |Constant value does not match application data.|Mismatch between Application and Template| |ERR U03 |Unexpected end of data| | |ERR U04 |Operator not supported for this data type.|An error in the template.| |ERR U07 |Segment Body not defined for Sequence instruction.|An error in the template.| |ERR U08 |Segment Body not defined for Group instruction.|An error in the template.| |ERR U10 |Constant value does not match application data.| | |ERR U93 |Specific presence map bit not supported for this operator and data type.|Arca only|