
The flexible, complete and handy dice roller for your RPG sessions

This project is moving, please check the Quick Dice Roller repository on GitHub.


Quick Dice Roller is an app made for the tabletop RPG Geek. It make possible to emulate almost all the complex dice rolls required by those games.

Check the official page on the Play Store for screenshot and details.

For any question, contact me or (better) write a post to the official community.

Latest signed build

Get latest signed build here (if you have a SVN client) or here.

This is a beta version and may contain some bugs - please report them asap.

You can also become a beta tester.


| Main screen | Collections | |:------------|:------------| | https://quick-dice-roller.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Deploy%20QuickDice/SS-01.jpg' width='240' height='400' /> | https://quick-dice-roller.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Deploy%20QuickDice/SS-02.jpg' width='240' height='400' /> | | Die editor | Expression builder | | https://quick-dice-roller.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Deploy%20QuickDice/SS-07.jpg' width='240' height='400' /> | https://quick-dice-roller.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Deploy%20QuickDice/SS-05.jpg' width='240' height='400' /> |

Project Structure

The project is structured in different folders. Each one contains a (customized) library. Check the README file on each folder for further details.

Main project is located in the Quick Dice folder.

Special Folders

Quick Dice: This is the main project.

Dice Expression: This is the library that parse and evaluate string expressions representing dice rolls.

Deploy QuickDice: This folder contain assets, screenshots and descriptions used to deploy the app on different app stores. This is not needed to build the app.

Translator Needed

Anyone, developer or not, can help to improve Quick Dice Roller by translating text or giving feed-back on current translations.

Check this page to know how to give a valuable help.


Available here.

Project Information

The project was created on Apr 5, 2014.

Android Dice Tool Tabletop Roller RPG