What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.installed ati 10.1 drivers 2.extracted atistream 2.0 sdk to /home/adam/ati-stream-sdk-v2.0-lnx64 3.ran make and set up all the libraries and symlinks 4.edited the setup.py in cpyrit_opencl to include directory ~/ati-stream-sdk-v2.0-lnx64/include 5. build/install everything 6. pyrit list_cores
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I just see my two CPU cores, no error messages or anything.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? -Ati drivers 10.1 -Ubuntu 9.04 -r209
Please provide any additional information below. Running HelloCL and CLinfo work fine. I'm quite sure I have set it up correctly.
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 2, 2010 by Quick CamelWhat does "python -c 'from cpyrit import _cpyrit_opencl'" say?
Comment #2
Posted on Feb 2, 2010 by Quick CamelI can't get 10.1 to work on my system. Can you provide more info?
Comment #3
Posted on Feb 3, 2010 by Grumpy WombatSiiiiiiigh, close bug please =P If I had read the CLinfo properly I would have realized it said CPU device and not GPU device. I would have then checked the release notes and saw that my gfx isn't supported by OpenCL. Oh well at least I know I have an OpenCL supported CPU.....
Comment #4
Posted on Feb 3, 2010 by Quick Camelclosed
Comment #5
Posted on Feb 16, 2010 by Helpful CatHello, i'm n00b in linux but can you tell me how to edit the setup.py in cpyrit_opencl. My SDK installation is /root/ati-stream-sdk-v2.01-lnx32. I don't know how to do. Please. Thanks in advance.
Comment #6
Posted on Feb 17, 2010 by Quick Camelplease take questions to http://groups.google.com/group/pyrit instead of posting in closed bugs
Status: Invalid