
A Python to NXC Converter for programming LEGO MINDSTORMS Robots

Welcome to PyNXC!

PyNXC is a project which converts python code to "Not Exactly C" (NXC) ( code, to download to LEGO MINDSTORMS Robots.

PyNXC at a Glance

The following program moves the robot forward until the touch sensor (bumper) on port 1 is pressed: def main(): DefineSensors(TOUCH,None,None,None) OnFwd(OUT_AC, 75) while SensorVal(1) != 1: pass Off(OUT_AC)

Compiled and downloaded to the robot with:

$ ./pynxc --download

PyNXC GUI Interface

PyNXC also provides a simple GUI interface to load files, and download them to the robot. Error messages are displayed in the window.

Run without any options

$ ./pynxc

or simply double-click on the PyNXC file.

Getting Started

To start using PyNXC and see what you can do with it, go to the GettingStarted page, and the Documentation page.

Project Information

python robotics mindstorms lego