Brief introduction to py-office-tools
This is a set of tools to support reading (and eventually writing) of the Excel and PowerPoint binary file formats. It relies on the OleFileIO_PL module to deal with the underlying CBFF format. This tool focuses on the storages/streams that contain the application level data for Excel and PowerPoint.
What it does
Prints out detailed information about Excel and PowerPoint records ("Workbook" and "PowerPoint Document" streams), as well as property sets in the DocumentSummary and DocumentSummaryInformation streams.
How it does
I took the Excel and PowerPoint specs, converted them to HTML, fixed up lots of broken ass stuff, and then used those as input to a code generator that spit out Python structures describing the records.
If you don't like my code (likely) or python
Take the HTML files and use them to generate code in a language of your choice.
Usage + output
./ -f somefile.xls
[*]Opening file /home/root/tmp/a3730uez.xls
[*]Listing streams/storages:
'Root Entry' (root) 0 bytes
'\x05DocumentSummaryInformation' (stream) 4096 bytes
'\x05SummaryInformation' (stream) 4096 bytes
'Workbook' (stream) 15119 bytes
[**]Detected Excel file /home/root/tmp/a3730uez.xls
[*]Dumping Workbook stream 0x3b0f (15119) bytes...
[ii]BOF record: current count 1
[0]Record BOF [0x809 (2057)] offset 0x0 (0), len 0x10 (16) (Beginning of File)
WORD vers = 0x600 (1536)
WORD dt = 0x5 (5)
WORD rupBuild = 0x1fe9 (8169)
WORD rupYear = 0x7cd (1997)
DWORD bfh = 0xc0c9 (49353)
DWORD sfo = 0x306 (774)
[1]Record INTERFACEHDR [0xe1 (225)] offset 0x14 (20), len 0x2 (2) (Beginning of User Interface Records)
WORD Cv = 0x4b0 (1200)
[2]Record MMS [0xc1 (193)] offset 0x1a (26), len 0x2 (2) (ADDMENU/DELMENU Record Group Count)
BYTE caitm = 0x0 (0)
BYTE cditm = 0x0 (0)
[3]Record INTERFACEEND [0xe2 (226)] offset 0x20 (32), len 0x0 (0) (End of User Interface Records)
[4]Record WRITEACCESS [0x5c (92)] offset 0x24 (36), len 0x70 (112) (Write Access User Name)
Field stName is 0x70 (112) bytes, dumping:
0000000000 09 00 00 47 69 6E 61 20 50 61 70 70 61 6C 67 6F ...Gina Pappalgo
0000000010 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
0000000020 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
0000000030 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
0000000040 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
0000000050 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
0000000060 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
./ -f someFile.ppt
[*]Opening file /home/root/tmp/magicmktwhitepaperintro.ppt
[*]Listing streams/storages:
'Root Entry' (root) 3008 bytes
'\x05DocumentSummaryInformation' (stream) 2924 bytes
'\x05SummaryInformation' (stream) 21124 bytes
'Current User' (stream) 50 bytes
'Pictures' (stream) 11402 bytes
'PowerPoint Document' (stream) 106945 bytes
[**]Detected PowerPoint file /home/root/tmp/magicmktwhitepaperintro.ppt
[*]Dumping 'Current User' stream 0x32 (50) bytes...
{Atom(1) CurrentUserAtom (0xff6, 4086) size 0x2a (42), instance 0x0 version 0x0 [offset 0x0 (0)]
DWORD size 0x14 (20)
DWORD headerToken 0xe391c05f (3817979999)
DWORD offsetToCurrentEdit 0x1a19d (106909)
WORD lenUserName 0x12 (18)
WORD docFileVersion 0x3f4 (1012)
BYTE majorVersion 0x3 (3)
BYTE minorVersion 0x0 (0)
WORD unused 0xffff (65535)
ASCIIZ AnsiUserName 'Preferred Customer'
DWORD relVersion 0x8 (8)
UNICODE uniUserName:
[*]Dumping 'PowerPoint Document' stream 0x1a1c1 (106945) bytes...
[Container(1) Document (0x3e8, 1000) size 0x6d27 (27943), instance 0x0 version 0xf [offset 0x0 (0)]
{{Atom(2) DocumentAtom (0x3e9, 1001) size 0x28 (40), instance 0x0 version 0x1 [offset 0x8 (8)]
GPointAtom.DWORD slideSize = 0x1680 (5760)
GPointAtom.DWORD slideSize.1 = 0x10e0 (4320)
GPointAtom.DWORD notesSize = 0x113c (4412)
GPointAtom.DWORD notesSize.1 = 0x16b2 (5810)
GRatioAtom.DWORD serverZoom = 0x5 (5)
GRatioAtom.DWORD serverZoom.1 = 0xa (10)
DWORD notesMasterPersist = 0x2 (2)
DWORD handoutMasterPersist = 0x0 (0)
WORD firstSlideNum = 0x1 (1)
WORD slideSizeType = 0x0 (0)
BYTE saveWithFonts = 0x0 (0)
BYTE omitTitlePlace = 0x0 (0)
BYTE rightToLeft = 0x0 (0)
BYTE showComments = 0x0 (0)
[[Container(3) ExObjList (0x409, 1033) size 0x568 (1384), instance 0x0 version 0xf [offset 0x38 (56)]
{{{Atom(4) ExObjListAtom (0x40a, 1034) size 0x4 (4), instance 0x0 version 0x0 [offset 0x40 (64)]
DWORD objectIdSeed = 0xa7 (167)
[[[Container(5) ExEmbed (0xfcc, 4044) size 0xa4 (164), instance 0x0 version 0xf [offset 0x4c (76)]
{{{{Atom(6) ExEmbedAtom (0xfcd, 4045) size 0x8 (8), instance 0x0 version 0x0 [offset 0x54 (84)]
DWORD followColorScheme = 0x0 (0)
BYTE cantLockServerB = 0x1 (1)
BYTE noSizeToServerB = 0x0 (0)
BYTE isTable = 0x0 (0)