What steps will reproduce the problem?
- pop a cd in the drive and start pburn
- make and burn your project, click finished
- pop another cd in the drive and wait, and wait, and wait
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
pburn says it is "scanning disk" but does so for ?ever? you MUST restart pburn to do a 2nd project - (when you first start pburn, a little window pops up to "scan your disk" which takes maybe 1-1.5 seconds &) - I'd expect pburn to "scan the new disk" in 1-1.5 seconds, or a button "rescan for disks/new project"
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
pburn 3.3.4 + puppy 5.25 and puppy 5.28
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 26, 2011 by Grumpy Oxexcuse the type "Defect", more an enhancement really? (I didn't notice that tagging happen)
Status: New