What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. I did all these in a VirtualBox VM. 2. Run the universal installer. Use GParted to create a bootable ext3 partition. 3. Install Puppy (FULL) on it. Attempt to boot form the hard drive.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? System won't boot.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 5.2
Please provide any additional information below. The Universal Installer mentions running the Grub setup, but doesn't do so. To make the disk bootable, I ran Grub bootloader config, and now I can boot from /dev/sda1. Puppy's Universal Installer should run Grub bootloader config automatically.
While at it, the boot script should time out and automatically boot from the only bootable partition if there's no user input. Right now it's stuck at the GRUB blue boot screen until I press Enter.
Status: New