puppy-development - issue #8
Puppy Linux unable to detect hama USB flash card reade
What steps will reproduce the problem?
attach a hama 35-in-1 Flash Card Reader to Puppy 4.2.1 or 4.3.1
try to access a card in the reader using Pmount
What is the expected output?
Pmount should show a tab for an attached USB storage device.
Clicking on that Tab should show any Flash cards inserted in the device.
Clicking on their icons should mount these cards.
What do you see instead?
There is no USB tab shown when Pmount opens. It's impossible to access any cards in the hama reader.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Puppy Linux 4.2.1 and Puppy Linux 4.3.1
Please provide any additional information below.
No other USB reader tried has failed to work
All of the cards tried in the hama reader work under Puppy when used with one of the other card readers
If the hama reader is attached at the same time as an older USB card reader, the USB tab displays in Pmount, but no cards in the hama reader are displayed, although the hama's "access power" light goes on when a card is inserted
NB: the hama card reader is detected and installed automatically, and works flawlessly when attached to a system running Windows 2000 Professional SP4
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 2, 2009 by Swift CatI forgot to mention that this problem likely originates in Debian, because exactly the same thing happens under Knoppix 6.01 Live-CD
Comment #2
Posted on Nov 8, 2009 by Grumpy HippoThis may be a feature and not a bug (automounting is off by default) - try editing /etc/eventmanager ... you may also need to restart X
change HOTPLUGNOISY="false" to HOTPLUGNOISY="true"
or simply run this from a terminal sed -i "s/HOTPLUGNOISY="false"/HOTPLUGNOISY="true"/g" /etc/eventmanager
This can also be achieved using the eventmanager itself (available by right-clicking a drive icon or typing eventmanager in a terminal)
If this does not work, please report it back here
Comment #3
Posted on Nov 9, 2009 by Swift CatFinal-Recipient: RFC822; puppy-development@googlecode.com Action: failed Status: 5.4.6 Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 554 5.4.6 Too many hops Last-Attempt-Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 21:04:20 GMT
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: otro pogo To: puppy-development@googlecode.com Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 14:02:41 -0700 Subject: Re: Issue 8 in puppy-development: Puppy Linux unable to detect hama USB flash card reade Have tried your suggestion by editing the /etc.eventmanager file, saving it, and restarting X.
The burner drive sr0 now automounts - no other drives automount. I had both the hama USB flash reader and a fieon USB flash reader attached to the system.
I inserted an XD card and an SD card in the hama reader. Nothing happened, no new icons appeard on the desktop
I have two USB icons on the desktop permanently. I tried clicking on both, but only sde1 responded, showing an empty folder (the corresponding card is NOT empty)
I ran pmount in single window mode, and there were NO usb devices listed
I took the two cards out of the hama reader and inserted them in the fieon reader, nothing changed on the desktop
I refreshed Pmount, and the two cards appeared as sdc1 (SD card) and sde1 (xd card), and I could mount them without further problems
NB: as indicated above, my reply via gmail bounced.
Comment #4
Posted on Nov 13, 2009 by Swift CatHave just learned that the hama 35-in-1 USB flash card reader WILL work in Puppy 4.3.1 on another machine.
No idea what the problem is on the first machine (which I use exclusively for Linux). But perhaps the problem is firmware or hardware related The hama reader is connected to the USB port on the Intel MB, which is a D865GLC, IIRC.
Status: Started