From forum user otropogo
This has been a constant annoyance for me in Puppy, and I wonder why it should be maintained. I switch my systems on and off the router with a simple mechanical switch. This has never been a big problem in Windows. If I try to go online with the switch in the wrong position, the browser indicates a problem, and I turn the switch and try again.
With Puppy, though, if I boot without a live network connection, the existing network configuration is lost. I don't just have to turn the switch on, but reconfigure the network.
And while sometimes this is just time consuming, with some systems, such as my my laptop, which uses pcmcia ethernet cards, it can be gruelling, because periodically, Puppy ( at least in 3.01 Retro, which I use on that system) persists in selecting the wrong module, and it's a long weary battle to remove it and replace it with the right one, even when you know which one it should be.
This behavior strikes me as a bug that should be removed...
I (diaeresis )can confirm this type of behaviour. If I have a network connection running then unplug the modem from the power and then plug it in again (ie turn it off and on) OR unplug the network cable from the pc and plug it back in again I cannot connect unless I run the network wizard again. Which shouldn't happen.
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 3, 2009 by Helpful ElephantThe newest versions of dhcpcd and wpa_supplicant can handle this with no problem. Especially the version of dhcpcd in 4.3 is rather old. Checkout Pwireless2 to see how well it can work. Solution does require a dhcpcd daemon that is always running in the background; I don't know if adding additional background daemons is against the Puppy aesthetic or not, but it sure makes things more pleasant for wireless networking.
Comment #2
Posted on Jan 28, 2010 by Happy Wombatif the connection lost, right click the 'Connect' icon on the desktop, select 'Disconnect', and then rightclick again and select 'Autoconnect'.
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