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puppy-development - issue #3

Merge jrb's patch with Puppy proper to allow dynamic loading of SFS files

Posted on Oct 13, 2009 by Grumpy Hippo

Purpose of code changes on this branch: JRB - has submitted a pet that allows dynamic loading of SFS files

When reviewing my code changes, please focus on:

Does this make the current bootmanager replaceable with a script that runs after startup rather than during init (to speed up booting)

If it can automatically increment the number of loops, do we need to start with more than the required 3 loops or a maxloops boot parameter?

Can we pull out some of the larger programs and replace their executables with a script that will load the sfs if available (or perhaps even download it if its not found) the smaller pup_XXX.sfs will be smaller and thus load faster. For this to work we would either need to fix the pup_XXX.sfs being the top layer or put the script in a lower order in $PATH... maybe PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/dummy/bin

After the review, I'll merge this branch into: /trunk

Status: Started

Type-Enhancement Priority-High