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puppy-development - issue #20

Shutdown options fail to work (related to "wmpoweroff"?)

Posted on Nov 25, 2009 by Massive Dog

This appears to be related to installs of 431 over 412 unless I have miss-read the thread.

The shutdown options do not shutdown Puppy leaving the users in a position where they have to shutdown by typing poweroff into a terminal window.

Reference this/these threads:-


Comment #1

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 by Swift Wombat

It may be that pup_event_frontend_d reads the /tmp/wmexitmode.txt and should break but leaves a signature in the process table . pidof pup_event_frontend_d seems not to be empty after 30 sec . A xmessage -bg red "The icon and save managing daemon did not exit properly . Please Poweroff/Reboot manually by typing 'poweroff' or 'reboot' into console" could tell what's going on . (which wmpoweroff || which wmreboot) . Maybe worth putting it into '/etc/rc.d/functions4puppy4' .

Comment #2

Posted on Nov 7, 2011 by Happy Rabbit

May or may not be the same issue, but on my USB hard drive install of Slacko with persistent changes stored to the install partition (not frugal, not in 2fs files) I am having an issue where the shutdown options reboot and power-off seem to do some things and then they return me to a fresh windowed environment (JWM/GTK/X).

This problem was discussed on some forums, but none of the previously documented solutions have worked for me.

I did have some success with the suggestion to open urxvt and run ""rxvt -e wmpoweroff"", but it only worked a few times.

I got one good, and speedy, shutdown by adding a sleep 30 after the kill -9 $CURRENTWM in /usr/bin/wmpoweroff, but it was unrepeatable even with greater delays.

acpi=off and on are both unworkable for my system. The force option boots the system, but it does not resolve this issue. My system is an Acer TravelMate 240 with a Celeron inside. I am having the exact same issue with this HD plugged into a generic desktop computer with some kind of Athalon 2000+ bearing motherboard.

My current, and unsatisfactory, work around is to do the shutdown thing once to save my session, then I exit the WM to the prompt and type ""halt"" then press the power button until the system turns off.

Here is a link: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=49802&sid=01ef97c537093a87c621b6dfad31e55c

Any ideas?

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium