I wanted to put my /dev/sda5 (ntfs) partition in fstab so it mounts on startup and I can mount/umount it without long cli mount options.
So I put in fstab: Code:
/dev/sda5 /mnt/sda5 ntfs-3g auto,rw 0 0
Then, when I try mount command:
mount /dev/sda5
ntfs-3g: Unknown option '-n'. Please type '/sbin/mount.ntfs-3g --help' for more information. #
If I change ntfs-3g to ntfs it mounts read-only
Something in puppy is passing a -n to ntfs-3g automatically when mounting from fstab.
Know to happen in:- Dpup 477, Puppy 430, Puppy 421
Reference this/these threads:-
Comment #1
Posted on Jun 30, 2011 by Swift WombatTry using "auto" as file-system . This particular issue is pretty weird . Sometimes mount-FULL does not pass the '-n' option to the mount-helper ntfs-3g and sometimes it does depending on the Puplet .
Also "mount-FULL -n -i" should do it (-i for do not call mount helpers) .
I really thought this would be a problem of mount-FULL or ntfs-3g --version but
after installing the working mount-FULL and statically compiled ntfs-3g from Luci-218 , where everything works into Luci-254 where the '-n' option gets passed to ntfs-3g , the '-n' option still gets passed to ntfs-3g .
So it might be a problem with the environment by libc/kernel whatever .
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