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puppy-development - issue #13

tgz packages are 'linked' to ppm

Posted on Nov 13, 2009 by Happy Bird

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Download http://www.ladspa.org/download/ladspa_sdk_1.13.tgz 2. Click on the package in rox

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? tgz files should be opened in the archive-tool or at least there should be a question if it's an installable package or just a packed file.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 4.31

Comment #1

Posted on Nov 18, 2009 by Grumpy Hippo

I have been thinking about implementing something for these situations not just for tgz but also for txz and other types using a basic gtkdialog gui... maybe eventually with an always use this setting

Here is the proposed framework

use pupzip

if [ "which pupzip" != "" ];then $PUPZIP=... fi

use petget -xf $@

if [ "which petget" != "" ];then $PETGET=... fi

use tar -xf $@

if [ "which tar" != "" ];then $PUPZIP=... fi

this would replace the MIME setting in /root/Choices/MIME-types

Comment #2

Posted on Nov 23, 2009 by Happy Bird

this would indeed do the trick BUT i would prefer proper mime types as a base:

a) puppy packages *.pet *.petx (i think this is your new one?) to be opened in ppm

b) archive files to be opened in pupzip they 'might' contain an installable package but they are in general archive-files. if they contain a package, one could extract the archive to the correct structure.

maybe this is a problem of woof as one of the compatible distros might use *.tgz as it's package format, but for ppup it's not (AFAIK).

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium