
A Pidgin 'now playing' plugin to publicise the songs you are listening to

pidgin-musictracker is a plugin for Pidgin which publicises your currently playing media to your contacts.

Currently supported players:

on Linux: * Amarok, Audacious, Banshee, Clementine, Exaile, feed, Listen, MOC, MPD, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Songbird + DBusBird addon, SqueezeCenter, Vagalume, XMMS, XMMS2 >= 0.6 * plus any player supporting the MPRIS DBus interface (Amarok2, BMPx, dragonplayer, Exaile >= 0.3, Goggles Music Manager, Guayadeque, QMMP >=0.3, Rhythmbox, Songbird + MPRIS addon, VLC >0.9.0, etc.)

on Windows: * Foobar2000, iTunes, feed, MPD, Winamp, Windows Media Player * plus any player with a 'winamp-compatible' interface (AIMP2, MediaMonkey, etc.) * plus any player with a 'Send "Now Playing" information to MSN Messenger' feature ( client, Media Player Classic, OpenPandora, Songbird + LiveTweeter, Spotify, TTplayer, VLC, Zune, etc.)

Features: * Allows you to customize the status string with various fields extracted from your media player such as artist, album, track, duration, progress bar, etc. * Different status messages for various media player states such as Playing, Paused and Stopped. You can choose to use the normal status message (by default in the stoppped state). * '/nowplaying' inserts the now-playing information into your conversation * Supports per-account status format customization. * You may choose to have your away message override musictracker. * Optional profanity filter for words in the status. * Can auto-detect which player is in use.

Notes: * To show now playing in MSN personal status messages you must be using pidgin 2.5.0 or later (or msn-pecan). If you have ever had musictracker 0.4.1 or earlier installed, you must reinstall pidgin for MSN personal status messages to work correctly. (See issue 15, FAQ #2) * See this wiki page for details on configuring your player and musictracker to work together

Privacy Statement/Security Considerations * People can see what media you are listening to/watching. Doh!


A full change log is available.


Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or higher.

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 375 stars
  • svn-based source control

pidgin nowplaying music plugin nowlistening