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phpobfuscator - issue #4

unbalanced /* cause lockup in ObfuscateBlock

Posted on Feb 5, 2007 by Happy Lion

Thanks for making phpObfuscator! I am glad it exists. I tried it on a project I'm working on, but it locked up.

I turns out it was because I had commented out a block of php and html, okay not very nice programming style.

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. create a php-file with c-style comments /* and let it span over and php-block-end (?>). 2. Run PHP obfuscator on it. 3. It never finishes.

This was found in the trunk of phpobfuscator 2007-02-05 20:11 CET.

I am fine with this being added to the documentation/limitations.


Comment #1

Posted on Jun 20, 2007 by Happy Lion

Issue has been confirmed and reproduced on current builds. 6/20/07

Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-High