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phpobfuscator - issue #2

Stuck in "botlib.php"

Posted on Jan 3, 2007 by Quick Elephant

When trying to obfuscate this file, it gets stuck (20+ hours). See attachment. Thanks,


Comment #1

Posted on Feb 5, 2007 by Happy Lion

This is actually the same as #4 due to open "/tmp/*"... you can rewrite it as a string concatination and it will work.

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 7, 2007 by Quick Elephant


Well, I'm currently using a tuned version I made with my poor knowledge of C#, because I detected these 'things'. Well, I actually don't remember the original version so I may be reporting problems it doesn't have (sorry about that, then):

  • functions/variables referred in a class are not obfuscated (ex. $this->my_function($class2->my_var);
  • calls to function names dynamically composed fail; best option to solve that was to implement wildcards on exceptions. For ex. persFunct* excepts persFunctAdd, persFunctDel, etc... that's because I usually exec different functions based on a extern variable (ex. $_POST[sub] = 'del').
  • Same happens with function_exists('blablabla'); if its string isn't in exceptions, the string shall be obfuscated too.
  • whitespace removal is quite radical, some javascripts (inlined) stopped working, etc.
  • etc etc

Anyway this program is a great starting point!

Comment #3

Posted on Jun 20, 2007 by Happy Lion

Can you let us know if this is still a bug/issue or if it has been resolved?

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium