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php-reader - issue #66

File handles aren't closed on ISO14496 object destruction

Posted on Mar 5, 2012 by Swift Giraffe

I'm batch renaming/moving files based on ISO14496 metadata but I get an error because file handles aren't closed on object destruction.

Comment #1

Posted on Mar 5, 2012 by Happy Panda

I am not sure whether the class should actually close the stream. However, you can do that yourself by passing a reference to a stream to the class and then manually close it after using the class. Try something like this:

{{{ ) { $reader = new Zend_Io_FileReader($filename); $iso = new Zend_Media_Iso14496($reader); ... // do something ... $iso = null; //destroy object ref $reader->close(); //close stream } }}}

I could perhaps add some code to close the stream automatically if the stream was opened by the class.

Comment #2

Posted on Mar 5, 2012 by Happy Panda

Okay, changes made to subversion. Check out the repo and test with the latest code whether it works as you'd expect.

Comment #3

Posted on Mar 15, 2012 by Swift Giraffe

Comment deleted

Comment #4

Posted on Mar 15, 2012 by Swift Giraffe

Your first workaround works, and I was using something similar. The change you made to the class doesn't work as expected, this is the code i tried:

$isom = new Zend_Media_Iso14496($fn);
rename($fn, $fn.'.test');


Btw setting to null like you did in your example doesn't destroy the object's reference, although that was what I remembered too, but xdebug_debug_zval('isom') still says refcount=1. They must have changed at some point 'cause that's what these clowns do, they keep changing PHP's behaviour and you end up spending days investigating obscure behavior :( ... so much for efficiency. Using unset() does destroy the reference, not that it matters much 'cause the GC still doesn't call the destructor until the script ends. I saw on some site someone said that even if you unset, your object might still be referenced by something other than a variable (??!!?). He didn't say what, and tbh I don't even care anymore.

Anyway man, thanks for your time and for your library, it's very useful :) Cheers.

Status: Fixed

Type-Enhancement Priority-Low