This library lets you read and write CSS2 and CSS3 files using Java 1.5+. Depends on phloc-commons. Api documentation to be found at http://repo.phloc.com/apidocs/phloc-css/3.7.4/apidocs/index.html. Read about the Maven setup in the FirstSteps. For a small usage guide on the plugin read the page MavenPlugin.
Since Version 3.7.1 no more downloads can be made available on Google Code. Therefore the JDK 1.6 versions can be found at http://repo.phloc.com/maven2/com/phloc/phloc-css/ and the JDK 1.5 versions can be found at http://repo.phloc.com/maven2/com/phloc/phloc-css-jdk5/ - the CSS compress maven plugin can be found at http://repo.phloc.com/maven2/com/phloc/maven/csscompress-maven-plugin/
News per 2014-09-02: The JDK 5 version will no longer be developed on this platform. If you are further interested in a JDK 5 version, please drop me a request at https://github.com/phax/ph-css and I will provide a version. Btw. the phlocjavacc-maven-plugin was migrated to https://github.com/phax/ph-javacc-maven-plugin
Rough changelog:
2014-05-23: new Version 3.7.7 with support for single line comments (for CSS2 and CSS3)
2014-05-21: new Version 3.7.6 - we are on Maven Central :) - including the latest csscompress-maven-plugin 1.2.2
2014-04-14: new Version 3.7.4 - Improved parsing of rules containing ":not()" and API enhancements API Docs
2014-03-21: new Version 3.7.3 - Parsing speed up by using JavaCC 6.0.1, improved error handling on unknown rules and API enhancements so that certain APIs are now mutable API Docs
2014-03-10: new Version 3.7.2 - Improved error handling and BOM handling added API Docs
2014-01-29: new Version 3.7.1 - Improved parsing invalid property values + csscompress-maven-plugin-1.1.1 using phloc-css 3.7.1 API Docs
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