
Open Remote Play

Open Remote Play

This project has been moved to GitHub, please follow the link for the latest source code: GitHub Open Remote Play


Open Remote Play is an open source implementation of Sony Computer Entertainment's Remote Play protocol. Remote Play is a feature on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable which allows a PlayStation Portable user to interact with their PlayStation 3's Xross Media Bar. Users can access music, videos, photos, PlayStation games, The PlayStation Store and various applications stored on the PlayStation 3's HDD, or external flash drives and optical media attached to the PlayStation 3.

If you would like to contribute to this project, create a Google account and email me with your request.


You require a PlayStation Portable (or access to one), that is able to run homebrew software. The PSP must then be registered (or paired) with the target PlayStation 3. Before trying ORP, you should read the FAQ. For installation/configuration instructions, see the included README file for more details.


I would like to thank Dark_AleX for hacking the PSP. Without his work, ORP would not be possible. I would also like to thank TyRaNiD for psplink and prxtool. Using psplink makes this type of work almost painless! Thanks to jas0nuk for the essential PRXdecrypter utility. Last but certainly not least, thanks to Greg for the MacBook loan, beta testing, and beer :)

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 109 stars
  • svn-based source control

open remote play playstation