This web Site is NO MORE UPDATED, the new web site for open esi is : open.esi.dz
Welcome to the OpenESI initiative
This web site hosts a number of open source projects initiated and supported by the High School of Computer Science (l'Ecole Superieur d'Informatique ex Institut National d'Informatique). Each project has its own infrastructure with wiki webpages, source code and its own administrators.
In the spirit of free and open source software, we are attempting to establish a community in which information will be freely exchanged, so that we may further the understanding of open source and its implications outside the realm of software development. We invite researchers and students to post their best projects here.
- The purpose of this web site is to collect open source projects launched by Algerian universities.
Supported Projects
- TestOS Project: an educational and research Kernel. By Baghdadi Riyadh and Djekidel Nadhir.
- Ayaspell project : An Arabic open source dictionary for free office applications. by Taha Zerouki. Ayaspell Blog.
- Djug Noautorun : a simple tool that deletes Autorun family virus from your PC, easy and efficient !. By Youghourta Benali.
- ADA (Advanced Data structures Animations) and Zeï Project, suggested by Pr.Zegour Djamel-Eddine : ADA aims to build a collection of animation algorithms that aide the learning and understanding of advanced data structures. Zeï Project : aims the design of Arabic programming languages in all their forms.. The project aims also to design a logical language (Zeï L) for the construction and the interrogation of databases.
The full list of projects is available Here.
Want To Contribute ?
you have a good idea, you are preparing your PFE, you are working on a high quality project, and you want to share your ideas with other students and researchers from the open source community.
Learn more about participating : HowToParticipate , Involved academics.
- Dr.Hidouci Walid-Khaled (Academic member).
- Baghdadi Riyadh (Student member).
- The Computer Science Club and IniPlus Team.
Our Freinds
- The Computer Science Club and IniPlus Team.
- Dot Net club of the USTHB, Algiers.
This project is also a branch of the Computer Science Club of the high school of computer science of Algiers