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ootermite - AddNewBuildBot.wiki


There is a number of things that you need to do to add a new build slave. Slightly fuller/alternative instructions are available from AddNewBuildBotMacOSX.

You will need the following prerequisites:

  • a working build environment for OpenOffice.org. Please make sure that you have already managed to build OpenOffice.org on the machine that you want to put the bot on. See http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/ for build instructions.
  • python 2.4 or later (Use python -V to get the python version number)
  • twisted 2.4 or later (most OSs provide this as package, e.g. python-twisted or SUNWpython-twisted)
  • perl (and the following modules: LWP::Simple, File::Copy::Recursive, Config::Auto which can be installed from CPAN) sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell install LWP::Simple install File::Copy::Recursive install Config::Auto exit
  • bash
  • subversion/mercurial (for the buildbot scripts and DEV300 codeline)


  1. Grab a copy of Buildbot 0.7.9 or newer
  2. Unpack the source
  3. Build the buildbot the buildbot manual
  4. Create the build-slave buildbot create-slave BASEDIR termite.services.openoffice.org:9999 SLAVENAME PASSWORD

    This will create a Build Slave Basedir and the important buildbot.tac file.

  5. make sure the buildbot.tac file also containes a line umask = 022
  6. Grab the scripts from svn directly in to the BASEDIR svn checkout http://ootermite.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/buildbot/slave/ BASEDIR
  7. Edit the info/admin and info/host files to contain information about yourself/host
  8. Customise the scripts for your platform if needed.
  9. Contact the project to have your changes integrated into the codeline else automatic updates won't work
  10. Copy the steps.config.sample file to steps.config and customize it.
  11. Customize cws_fetch.cfg
  12. Create a build_copy dir (used by buildprep) with things you wish to be copied into the source tree after checkout and before configure (such as mozilla sourcetarballs patches)
  13. EMail Gregor Hartmann (Gregor.Hartmann@sun.com> (or mikeleib or shaunmcdonald) the botname and password and a screen name to add your bot to the master
  14. Start your bot buildbot start BASEDIR (the dir containing the scripts ...)
  15. It should show up as online at http://termite.services.openoffice.org/ and you should be able to manually submit builds to it.