There is a number of things that you need to do to add a new build slave. Slightly fuller/alternative instructions are available from AddNewBuildBotMacOSX.
You will need the following prerequisites:
- a working build environment for Please make sure that you have already managed to build on the machine that you want to put the bot on. See for build instructions.
- python 2.4 or later (Use python -V to get the python version number)
- twisted 2.4 or later (most OSs provide this as package, e.g. python-twisted or SUNWpython-twisted)
- perl (and the following modules: LWP::Simple, File::Copy::Recursive, Config::Auto which can be installed from CPAN)
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell install LWP::Simple install File::Copy::Recursive install Config::Auto exit
- bash
- subversion/mercurial (for the buildbot scripts and DEV300 codeline)
- Grab a copy of Buildbot 0.7.9 or newer
- Unpack the source
- Build the buildbot the buildbot manual
- Create the build-slave
buildbot create-slave BASEDIR SLAVENAME PASSWORD
This will create a Build Slave Basedir and the important buildbot.tac file.
- make sure the buildbot.tac file also containes a line
umask = 022
- Grab the scripts from svn directly in to the BASEDIR
svn checkout BASEDIR
- Edit the info/admin and info/host files to contain information about yourself/host
- Customise the scripts for your platform if needed.
- Contact the project to have your changes integrated into the codeline else automatic updates won't work
- Copy the steps.config.sample file to steps.config and customize it.
- Customize cws_fetch.cfg
- Create a build_copy dir (used by buildprep) with things you wish to be copied into the source tree after checkout and before configure (such as mozilla sourcetarballs patches)
- EMail Gregor Hartmann (> (or mikeleib or shaunmcdonald) the botname and password and a screen name to add your bot to the master
- Start your bot
buildbot start BASEDIR (the dir containing the scripts ...)
- It should show up as online at and you should be able to manually submit builds to it.